The Sword of Truth
Luteal Phase
Limited Edition of 13
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What surprised me most about when I healed myself and learned hormonal information that could help all women, (especially those with endometriosis) is the number of people that were not ready to acknowledge this as being true.
And also the number of people that choose suffering from their disease over the truth that it is possible to heal yourself and become sovereign.
Most people were not ready to come out of their painful illusion, and there is no shame in that.
The important part is having the awareness to recognize that's where you're at. And oh yeah, I've been there.
Most people have a complicated relationship with the truth.
Essentially, the more powerless you are, or the least amount of responsibility you take, the less OK with the truth you usually are.
Whatever a truth destabilizes or destroys--wasn't actually there in the first place--it was an illusion.
However, the illusion can give people a false sense of stability which they may 'trade-in' over the truth to give them a feeling of power and security when in reality, facing and accepting the truth is the only way to any kind of power or freedom.
The truth is the answer we are asking for.
The problem comes when we are resistant to the consequences that come from the truth.
In the universe of cause and effect that we live in, there is no cause that doesn't have a positive or negative consequence.
Therefore, you cannot prevent the effect of a cause.
The luteal phase is a time of completion--tying up loose ends and looking at shedding or in this case, 'cutting', what isn't serving you any longer.
The ratio of estrogen to progesterone allows me to notice things I didn't see before.
The corpus luteum expands and then is reabsorbed, which causes the focus to turn inward. Here's some truth I saw from turning inward....
I have been trying to marry play and work and you can't marry two opposing sides, or the view of them not belonging together.
Not a happy marriage.
I want them to belong together, but they haven't been 'together' for me. I thought work can be fun and playful but play is never really work.
Upon further thought well, yes it is, just not the kind where you're a slave to it.
It’s only 'work' because of the perceived effort or physical experience.
It isn't work in the sense of fulfilling one job for a master, or project, or (fill in the blank)_________ whatever.
So they can actually be married when I look at or define work as simply the physical effort. Then yes, they work together.
Yet, it's really all driven by play. The play is what seems to make the efforting have a point, a purpose. It's what makes it worth it.
And the work allows you to experience play through whatever movement, media, etc.
So for me, I realized I should play more because it is what's behind the action. And everything else.
And to do it for that reason instead of checking off the task list for work.
I asked myself, "Why does that feel so satisfying then?"
Because it is an illusion. You are letting go of the pressure on yourself.
So no shit it does feel good when you get stuff done only because you created the pressure on yourself in the first place.
So yeah, the only thing you can ever be free from is your own resistance.
I named this piece after the story of the sword of Archangel Michael.
Most people have heard of Michael as a male being only, however, Michael has a Divine counterpart, Archangel Michaella.
They are twin flames, who when in one Light body only appear (to us) as Archangel Michael.
This dual-natured archangel is also the protector of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine energy, and the “unio conjunctio”, or sacred marriage.
Sacred Marriage can be between the inner male and female in an individual, or between a man and woman in separate bodies.
The Sword of Truth is the symbol for alignment with and protection of Divine Truth. The female counterpart to the Sword is the Holy Grail, which is the symbol for the Goddess and for sacred marriage. When you are initiated as a carrier of the Sword of Truth and the Holy Grail, you are required to make a commitment to honoring the sacredness in all things and people, to never use the Sword of Truth for harm, to protect innocence, and to be receptive to Divine Truth at all times.
Acknowledging Michael, I face the truth and feel the freedom of facing the wholeness of it, flaws and all, and cut away the ball & chain of denial, distortions, and lies.
Learn more about the Every Phase Series here
More info on the luteal phase here
More info on cycle syncing + hormonal health: Womancode + In the flo by Alisa Vitti
👉Use my code MEREDITH12117 to get 50% off your first month of Alisa Vitti’s life-changing Cycle Syncing Membership Link here
If there is a woman you know who is struggling with period pain, the foundation of how I healed myself began with reading Womancode & In The Flo by Alisa Vitti.
There is also a complete list of resources of how I healed myself outlining the methodologies, doctors, recipes, books and more on the Resources page in the back of my book, accessible by scanning the QR code. Plus you can experience the magic of the Augmented Reality (AR) Art adventure.
The science from >>>
meet the luteal phase...
When: The 10 to 14 days after ovulation and before your bleed.
What’s happening in your body:
Estrogen levels continue to rise and the uterine lining continues to thicken
Progesterone levels start to rise
Toward the end of the luteal phase, estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone peak and then begin to drop, hitting their lowest levels just before your period.
PMS during this phase is caused by too much estrogen in the body relative to progesterone, or estrogen dominance
Metabolism speeds up
What’s happening in your brain:
Hormone levels during this phase prime your brain to be good at focusing on details and wrapping up projects. Toward the end of this phase, as your hormone levels plummet, you will have less energy and feel more inclined to focus inward rather than on socializing.
During the luteal phase, specifically, your metabolism speeds up, and your resting cortisol levels are higher. You must eat more calories daily to maintain stable blood sugar, which helps balance insulin — a critical hormone that greatly affects the degree of PMS you will experience. In addition, don’t engage in HIIT workouts during this time. Opt for gentler movement, like Pilates and other non-cardio strength training. How much PMS you have is totally in your control and directly related to how much or how little you support your infradian rhythm during this phase. Continue to emphasize cruciferous vegetables during this phase and add in some complex carbohydrates like those found in sweet potatoes, which are nutrient-dense.