Creativity's Crest
Luteal Phase
Limited Edition
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This luteal phase, I was fueled and inspired by the 'happy accidents' philosophy of Bob Ross (which, if you haven't watched his documentary on Netflix, please do!).
The ratio of estrogen to progesterone in this phase allowed me to notice things that I normally wouldn't pay much attention to. Watching Bob Ross, what stood out to me most in the film was when his son was talking about how when you make a mistake, all of a sudden you learn 10 different ways to correct it and maybe even other techniques that will help you later on--unlike when you just apply a technique correctly.
The magic comes from the 'mistakes'. The discovery and creation of new processes comes from mistakes--or better said, happy accidents.
I am no stranger to mistakes and working within the uncontrollable. You could even say that because of my past mistakes with my health, I have created the series I am showing you now.
The corpus luteum expands and then is reabsorbed, similar to the cycle of a wave, building a crest and then crashing back into the body of water it just came from. This expansion and reabsoroption causes the focus to turn inward, where new dreams are dreamt from the 'accidents' or 'mistakes' we may have made in the previous three phases before this one.Â
"The minute we relinquish the notion that our creative dreams are centered in the ego, the minute we begin to see them as spiritual adventures, we allow the Great Creator to shape us as only it can and will."
-Julia Cameron, Walking in this World
& in case you've forgotten, I love you 💌
The period of the universe,Â
or 'Mercury Retrograde' as most people refer to it -- will be upon us starting September 27th!
In proper respect for the infradian & circadian rhythms & not to mention the powerful insights and awarenesses that come to me during my period, I will be pausing on the series during this time.Â
I suggest you do the same. It's a time to evaluate and choose what you would like to move forward with. Unless we look at what we would like to let go of + look inward, we're only moving forward with all of the crap we don't want. If you decide to grind it out during this time you most likely are going to run into some problems. 😅
After the last phase of this cycle (menstrual), you will hear from me again starting October 23rd beginning the 6th cycle of the series within the fresh & energetic follicular phase 🌷
Don't believe the hype about Mercury Retrograde!
It's OK to chill + do anything that begins with the prefix 're-'
To learn more, check out the video explaining all about Mercury and Mercury Retrograde below.Â
The science from >>>
meet the luteal phase...
When:Â The 10 to 14 days after ovulation and before your bleed.
What’s happening in your body:Â
Estrogen levels continue to rise and the uterine lining continues to thicken
Progesterone levels start to rise
Toward the end of the luteal phase, estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone peak and then begin to drop, hitting their lowest levels just before your period.Â
PMS during this phase is caused by too much estrogen in the body relative to progesterone, or estrogen dominance
Metabolism speeds up
What’s happening in your brain:
Hormone levels during this phase prime your brain to be good at focusing on details and wrapping up projects. Toward the end of this phase, as your hormone levels plummet, you will have less energy and feel more inclined to focus inward rather than on socializing.Â
During the luteal phase, specifically, your metabolism speeds up, and your resting cortisol levels are higher. You must eat more calories daily to maintain stable blood sugar, which helps balance insulin — a critical hormone that greatly affects the degree of PMS you will experience. In addition, don’t engage in HIIT workouts during this time. Opt for gentler movement, like Pilates and other non-cardio strength training. How much PMS you have is totally in your control and directly related to how much or how little you support your infradian rhythm during this phase. Continue to emphasize cruciferous vegetables during this phase and add in some complex carbohydrates like those found in sweet potatoes, which are nutrient-dense.Â
Learn more about the Every Phase Series here
More info on the Luteal phase here
More info on cycle syncing + hormonal health: Womancode + In the flo by Alisa Vitti
👉Use my code MEREDITH12117 to get 50% off your first month of Alisa Vitti’s life-changing Cycle Syncing Membership Link here
If there is a woman you know who is struggling with period pain, the foundation of how I healed myself began with reading Womancode & In The Flo by Alisa Vitti.
There is also a complete list of resources of how I healed myself outlining the methodologies, doctors, recipes, books and more on the Resources page in the back of my book, accessible by scanning the QR code. Plus you can experience the magic of the Augmented Reality (AR) Art adventure.