#50 From Ice to water to air to nothing🍄 Stairway to Healing pt XI
Every Phase #50 - Menstrual Phase - the 41st cycle
Stairway to Healing Part XI - Menstrual Phase
I'm keeping this one short as I take care of myself this period (it's also the mercury retrograde--I call it the menstrual cycle of our solar system).
I've been reflecting on how I got here, how I came to love myself, realizing it was through my self-hate.
Thinking, how did I become healthy?.......Being sick
How have I succeeded?.......Failure
The more I heal myself, the more I am healing the world.
Polarity is the answer to understanding unity.
We could not experience becoming whole again without our broken pieces.
During the menstrual phase, your brain is primed for integrating those broken pieces.
The left (analytical) and right (feeling) hemispheres of your brain communicate the most during this time, making this a highly intuitive or psychic time, receiving insights as to how you truly feel about situations in your life and the decisions about how to proceed.
The world is beginning to take the first step upon this stairway to healing.
Look for the completed Stairway installation in December, then an in-person revealing of the full staircase: completed mural + stair risers in January 2025.
Email me at info@anotherfingartist.com for purchase Or Book a call to learn more.
Just like your period, you can't stop what's already here.
From a great slumber, comes a great awakening.
P.S. I didn't use AI to write this
More info on the Menstrual phase here
More info on cycle syncing + hormonal health: Womancode + In the flo by Alisa Vitti👉Use my code MEREDITH12117 to get 50% off your first month of Alisa Vitti’s life-changing Cycle Syncing Membership Link here
If there is a woman you know who is struggling with period pain, the foundation of how I healed myself began with reading Womancode & In The Flo by Alisa Vitti.
There is also a complete list of resources of how I healed myself outlining the methodologies, doctors, recipes, books and more on the Resources page in the back of my book, accessible by scanning the QR code. Plus you can experience the magic of the Augmented Reality (AR) Art adventure.
#FYSHY podcast🎧
Face Your Shit, Heal Yourself
Episode #25
Body Astrology with Claire Gallagher
Check out the youtube version above as we discuss...
07:20 Face Your Shit w/ Body Astrology
12:24 Medical Astrology
14:45 Your natal moon
22:56 Fitness + The Lunar Cycle
31:41 You are your own authority
36:10 Biohacking with Art - Astrology & Mixed Media
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Every Phase VLOG - living the ART
🎨Art by me
🖊️Writing by me
🎬video made by me messing around with AI
Every Phase #10 - The Decay of Deceit
ovulatory phase
*NEW* segment of the podcast
listen, watch or both
I am going back and making animated videos, telling the story of select pieces in the series.
'Live the art' with me as I create artwork that illustrates how I healed myself of endometriosis while I live by the phases of the female hormonal cycle.
Lies require people
believe in them to exist,
the truth needs nothing.
Too often women are overlooked and underserved in medical, nutrition, and fitness research. Why? Because of our unique 28-day hormone cycle, also known as our Infradian Rhythm.
When putting together clinical trials, many researchers have decided it is simply too complicated to include women as subjects because our monthly hormone cycle is 'too much'. It’s hard to control for all the hormonal shifts women go through every 28-days, so instead of trying to account for those fluctuations, researchers have just left women out and focused on men, whose predictable 24-hour circadian cycles do not vary from day to day...
watch/listen to the whole thing on the VLOG 🎧
Every Phase #26 - In to me see/Intimacy
follicular phase
"The reality is, the womb is an integrated system inherently connected to our throat and our heart - our centre of intelligence and knowing and our ability to speak our truth."
- Safa Boga, creator of Kimiya Healing
….There is this really horrible trend I've noticed of invalidating our emotions in the spiritual and personal development space. The notion that we must only listen to that which is positive, and not dwell in the darker parts of ourselves.
Or, even better, hiding behind books about positive thinking and personal responsibility as a way to lie to ourselves pretending that others don't impact us and that everything is within our control.
I highly disagree with this methodology. It breeds the opposite of self-love: Denial, narcissism, codependency & fragmentation.
The darker, ugly, not at all positive parts are crying out for us to see me! Hear me! They are only dark and harsh because we have ignored them so long, but they hold the answers to all that we are seeking.
Real, sustained healing isn't about putting on a mask or reading a book to bypass what your real problems are. It's about integration--to love is to accept and take something on as part of yourself. Going towards your shame, your pain, not to try to fix (because you are not broken), but to finally listen, accept, love & integrate the parts of ourselves that we have disconnected from….
watch the rest - it's a good one....