Stairway to Healing Part IX - Luteal Phase
What if you knew this was the last September you had?
Would you change what you're doing?
Would it change the problems you have?
Would nothing stay the same?
Or would everything remain?
“When you get the shit kicked outta you long enough, and long enough, and long enough, you'll have a tendency to say what you really mean.”
-Charles Bukowski
Hell, I said what I mean so much I wrote a book about it. And I'm still writing this...
It may be the last September with the world as it is.
And it's definitely the last 'bitch phase' of the year--also known as the luteal phase.
You know, those women that are kicking ass and taking names. If they had a penis they'd be called 'rockstars', 'badasses', or 'high-performance leaders'.
Looking forward to leaving that world behind...
All joking aside, this luteal phase I have been looking around.... the 9-5 workday our bought and paid for science our 'long-term murder' healthcare plans our criminal medical system our debt-based financial system putting people on pedestals and calling them 'stars' and 'hollywood' small talk paperwork our willing slavery
...just turn on your TV....
...looking at all our current crap---with new eyes.
Many of the things that have bothered me, knowing they will be leaving brings a new sense of enjoyment to them being here now.
Their exit is welcome, but the process becomes more pleasant when I know it's the last time I will see all the dysfunction.
It was only due to my journey through the darkness of dysfunction and pain manifested in disease that I found healing and peace.
It was through untangling the knots, internally and externally, as you begin to see featured on the steps here, that I realized my pain was actually my perception of my unrealized power.
We experience all pain due to resistance. Our experience of pain is necessary for us to be able to release and heal it.
Therefore, the experience of having a certain amount of resistance isn't to be thought of as 'good' or 'bad' but actually necessary to release it and heal it.
The healing journey requires you to actually feel all of it.
As ice turns to water, to air, to nothing, what this transmutation process doesn't necessarily require is the suffering from phase to phase.
You aren't doing actual 'good' in the world until you have seen and acknowledged and experience the darkness.
Because true 'light', 'healing', 'wisdom' and 'goodness' is only realized and born through experiencing and integrating the opposite polarity--the darkness.
After all, you can't be fully self-loving and integrated without having all parts of you.
Any goodness without acknowledging this or without an integration of the darkness is only feeding it.
The denial of evil is how it actually grows, as the root of true evil is denial.
You can't actually have true freedom without the choice for evil.
*above info from Wetiko by Paul Levy Chapter 2: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Real healing isn't the rejection of pain or darkness, it is the integration of it, and the capacity to be with it, and still be OK.
Acceptance, acknowledgment, and looking at your own shadow is what sets you free from it. As well as the evil illusions and lies that come with it. In other words, acknowledging what is true and actually there, sets you free from the lies.
When you walk into a room and turn on the lights, what is there very little of?
We win through standing in our sovereignty, calling out evil when we see it, yet acknowledging it's role in helping us to really define and ground us to what we know to be true.
In the bigger picture, evil really is an undercover agent for good. As it is all us, all one.
You are feeding the lie when you haven't faced and integrated the truth. And the truth includes the ugly.
P.S. I didn't use AI to write this
More info on the Luteal phase here
More info on cycle syncing + hormonal health: Womancode + In the flo by Alisa Vitti👉Use my code MEREDITH12117 to get 50% off your first month of Alisa Vitti’s life-changing Cycle Syncing Membership Link here
If there is a woman you know who is struggling with period pain, the foundation of how I healed myself began with reading Womancode & In The Flo by Alisa Vitti.
There is also a complete list of resources of how I healed myself outlining the methodologies, doctors, recipes, books and more on the Resources page in the back of my book, accessible by scanning the QR code. Plus you can experience the magic of the Augmented Reality (AR) Art adventure.
mural your walls - heal your SPACE
Despite their name, wall murals aren’t just for walls.
Give your space an unexpected twist and bring it up to the ceiling – it’s the perfect way to add dimension, depth, and character to any room. Working with me, you will have a one-of-a-kind space that no one else can replicate.
Our environment & the images surrounding us attract or detract people into our lives and shape the way we live. Whether it's gold leaf, gemstone resin, or a photo mural the possibilities are endless.
👉Click here to view all of my creative services or email me at start your mural project.