Stairway to Healing Part VIII -Luteal Phase
What is family?
Who is included when we say 'family comes first'?
Does DNA bring us closer to others, or does love?
Most people think of family on a 'bloodline' or physical sense, but is it really?
Does physicality, or physically being 'related' determine how important they are?
This concept of bloodlines being the most important people and qualities of people in our lives is what has perpetuated toxic relationships, all in the name of: 'it's OK because it's family.'
The need to belong is a natural basic human & childhood need.
It is also something we are meant to evolve past--just as we are meant to grow through puberty to become adults.
At the extreme, this connects us to a 'hive mind' mentality, as you see in nature/animals.
Believe it or not, we aren't here to mimic the behavior of animals.
We are actually here to transcend this mindset, as we are their guardians and guides.
(see clip from podcast episode #20 by my guest Lisa Romano).
"...our brain not evolving or our consciousness not evolving past this primitive need to feel like we belong to this family...And I get it because it's natural, but it's going to keep you stuck."
There is great healing and deep love found in connecting with our biological, and physical ancestry, and no doubt these people hold a special place in our lives.
They are how we biologically exist here and now.
However, I have learned that family isn't by 'default'-- it is discovered.
It is earned through respect & truth.
It is created, and cultivated, with bonds formed through honest, loving, authentic connection.
Here are some realizations my toxic family relationships & dynamics helped me realize along my healing journey:
- I am family because I am source.
- I am never alone because God is with me and I am with God.
- My family connection is my connection to myself, which connects me to everyone else.
- I am supported by the family that I have chosen and has chosen me. We love and are a stand for one another.
- I am supported by the universe so there is nothing I can't face, heal or be with.
- I have detached from and do not take my familial toxic behavior personally any longer, as I allow love, truth & respect to guide me to wholeness and show me who I am able to build a family with.
- All of creation is my family, as all is one.
As we shift into the luteal phase or the beginnings of 'fall', our brain is primed for an inward focus--wrapping up projects, and reflecting on anything we may need to complete before the 'winter' or menstrual cycle.
Reflecting, assessing, curating & putting crap away while running up and down these steps served as the inspiration for the entire 'stairway to healing' piece for this year.
The full healing journey can be translated into an infinite staircase--with solid landings/milestones throughout the course.
These steps will tell a story throughout the luteal and menstrual phases and come to form a complete picture at the end of 2024. Each level will include the visual interpretation of the concepts that have led me to my healing, representative of the linear yet cyclical timeline of my journey with endo -- where the journey has taken me, and where it is going.
Shoutout to my sisters, brothers and full family circle who have been with me as I step up-- you know who you are, and this email can't even begin to express how much I love you.
The next time someone says 'family first', who will you think of?
P.S. I didn't use AI to write this
More info on the Luteal phase here
More info on cycle syncing + hormonal health: Womancode + In the flo by Alisa Vitti👉Use my code MEREDITH12117 to get 50% off your first month of Alisa Vitti’s life-changing Cycle Syncing Membership Link here
If there is a woman you know who is struggling with period pain, the foundation of how I healed myself began with reading Womancode & In The Flo by Alisa Vitti.
There is also a complete list of resources of how I healed myself outlining the methodologies, doctors, recipes, books and more on the Resources page in the back of my book, accessible by scanning the QR code. Plus you can experience the magic of the Augmented Reality (AR) Art adventure.
in case you missed it
On the PODCAST 🎧
#FYSHY podcast🎧
Face Your Shit, Heal Yourself
Episode #23
Quanta Freedom Healing - Wetiko & Narcissism
w/ Melanie Tonia Evans
Our Freedom & sovereignty aren't given. They are discovered and claimed in yourself. You stand for them, or they are stepped on by others.
In this newest episode, we continue discussing the #1 thing I did to heal from endometriosis. It took my money to another level, took my energy to another level. It was like the missing piece to so many things in my life and it was the catalyst for this show. It’s called the Narcissitic Abuse Recovery Program also called NARP created by Melanie Tonia Evans.
Check out the youtube version above as we discuss...
00:09:33 How Melanie Faced Her Shit
00:23:36 Psychic Disease Wetiko
00:29:52 The Matrix is a Documentary
00:36:07 Health Mandate Marketing
00:44:23 Quanta Freedom Healing + NARP
00:58:16 Your Pain is your unrecognized power
01:03:23 Biohacking with Art
01:06:26 NARP Resources
Ladies and gentlemen, this is what I did to heal. And this is so beyond just healing from narcissists. It truly is setting yourself free by facing your shit and healing yourself.
👉Sign-up + learn more about NARP using my link below:
👉+ Check out my interview as a guest on her 'Thriver Talks' episode as I celebrate my full circle cycle-breaker journey here.
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