#49 The Mushroom Queen đ Stairway to Healing pt III
Follicular phase - the 33rd cycle - Every Phase Collection
Stairway to Healing part IIIÂ - Follicular Phase
National Geographic has just revealed how 'New Studies' have just revealed how the menstrual cycle reshapes the brain & how certain brain regions expand during monthly periods. (Thank you to my soul sister Jennifer for sending me this one lol)
New? ROFL hahahahađ¤Ł
No, no, no. This is a basic truth that has been known for years to those outside the bought and paid for Pharma medical establishment.
'New studies show' = we are tired of lying about this, or hiding it.
Or better yet, we have been forced to stop lying about this.
Get ready for a plethora of 'new studies', or better said, the new marketing on what the mainstream is ready to accept as true, but has actually been there all along. Â
You know, all that information that was labeled as 'misinformation', censored, and banned.Â
The information I had to search and dig for over a decade for, and healed myself with.
The problem is, people won't actually consider that these huge establishments could actually be wrong, because of what it might mean if they are.Â
That truth is too scary to face for the ego. Entire belief structures within people are formed from what these establishments say is or isn't 'fake news'. What is or isn't dangerous 'misinformation'.
Humanity is scared to face the truth of what it might mean if these organizations are actually malicious...
What it might mean if women are more than victimized baby makers...
What it might mean if men are more than controlling brute fighters...
What it might mean if you get to decide who you are...
What it might mean if you are more than your physical body or what's between your legs...
What it might mean if periods are more than a 'cross to bear'...
What it might mean if other people can and do actually impact your life...
Newsflash (or news eclipse, I should say as we are in between 2 right now):
You do not control everything.Â
Our inability to sit with difficult truths, or negative emotion is what has created the suffering of the world we live in today.Â
Ironically, it is what has created evil.
It is what has created shame and 'badness'.
Essentially, the unwillingness to face our shit is what creates evil.
Because our shit, our pain, our problem, is actually our unrealized power.Â
What is considered our shadow or darkness isn't 'bad'. It is just what is not known to us yet, what is unintegrated.
The source of the current issues we face in this world aren't evil itself but rather the source of it:Â Turning the other cheek while atrocities happen.Â
Therefore, the root of evil is actually denial.
Some of the denial being spread today seem to be circling around polarities, sex & power dynamics.Â
The newest I've heard is how the only way for feminine energy + women to step into their full power is to rely on the masculine to provide a platform for the them to do so, and the masculine + men do not need this in return.Â
They can simply step into their own power on their own, independent of the feminine polarity�
The stench of lies and distortions on this one REEKS from miles away....
To start, awakened feminine & masculine are polarities of energy. Everyone has both. You cannot collapse them with your body parts.Â
This divine energy does not rely on anything to be it's full power. It just is, always.Â
The human part of you may need something to awaken this in yourself. And that is for you to decide. But the energy itself does not. The larger part, or the totality of you is source. It is immortal and complete, holding all polarities, and not bound by any physicality.
When you take a look around, the latest trend seems to be an obsession with telling women and men (especially women) what they can and can't do.
Males & females have different biological needs because of different chromosomes but outside of that, no one can tell you who you are or what you need. That is for you to decide. It is for you to decide what allows you to feel more feminine or masculine. No teacher can tell you this. No one can tell you who you are and how you feel but you.
In short, your sex tells you who you are biologically, while the rest is up to you.
This recent messaging feels like people explaining and marketing our differences with the intent to divide rather than to unite. Â
Our differences unite us, like puzzle pieces that fit together, because as human beings, we are physically interdependent.Â
We physically need each other, or we will die.
To say that one puzzle piece (because it is female)Â needs the other one more (because it's male)Â is ridiculous, and simply false.Â
One wouldn't exist without the other. That is the nature of polarity.
The Mushroom Queen depicted here has flourished and grown in the dark. She is fully herself, all parts of her. She can see herself, the divine & the light because she has sat in the darkness. She does not rely on anyone to fill her cup because her cup is full.
Why is her cup always full? Because she is authentic.Â
She is abundant just by being real, because she knows who she is. She does not have to 'do' anything to have power. Her beingness is her power. Who she is, is her power.
Our view of what 'power' is today is pretty narrow, as mentioned in piece #42 of the Every Phase series...
"They have sold a lie to women that their power lies in their body's ability to create a pregnancy. They've sold the lie that their power lies in their ability to end it or to have a child. They have made men believe their power lies in being alpha (no such thing), brute strength, and being emotionless. The truth is the opposite. Your ability to honor your body and see yourself for who you really are is where your power is...
Your power lies in your ability to receive.  If you look back in history, and even today, every lie and just about everything evil have 1 thing in common: diminishing the feminine polarity, specifically the aspect of receiving, in both men and women. Their end will actually be the awakened feminine in both men and women...
...If you never receive you can never truly give. If you never receive, you can never really 'get' anything, which is why there has been such an effort to diminish the feminine throughout time. If no one ever really feels like they should receive (because it is selfish, etc.), they won't, and they won't give or be generous either. A very intelligent, covert way to control a population..."
-Shots fired
Just as the darkness has triggered the growth of these mushrooms, the maturing follicles formed in the follicular phase trigger a surge in estrogen that thickens the lining of the uterus, creating a nutrient-rich & wisdom-rich environment for a potential embryo to grow.Â
Whether your biological truth this cycle is expressed in the form of a child or in the form of a period is up to you.
There is massive power in the period. There is tremendous power in pain.
To be powerful, be you.
I wouldn't bet against someone who keeps showing up as themselves.
See you in an April Eclipse. đ
P.S. I didn't use AI to write this
we make a good team :)
đŹ The 'Every Phase' series VLOG
A new way to start biohacking with ArtÂ
All of the Every Phase pieces have built on each other, with the series as a whole forming it's own stairway, and the current 'Stairway to Healing' piece is no exception.
I will be creating video 'vlog' versions of each of the previous art pieces, illustrating the meaning behind each piece and its corresponding phase. You could also think of them as 'steps' that have brought us to this part of the series.
đ If you hate reading, you will dig these.
Start Living the Art & Check out the intro to the series in the video below.Â
Subscribe to my youtube channel & be the first to see the latest phase.
More info on the Follicular phase here
More info on cycle syncing + hormonal health: Womancode + In the flo by Alisa VittiđUse my code MEREDITH12117 to get 50% off your first month of Alisa Vittiâs life-changing Cycle Syncing Membership Link here
If there is a woman you know who is struggling with period pain, the foundation of how I healed myself began with reading Womancode & In The Flo by Alisa Vitti.Â
There is also a complete list of resources of how I healed myself outlining the methodologies, doctors, recipes, books and more on the Resources page in the back of my book, accessible by scanning the QR code. Plus you can experience the magic of the Augmented Reality (AR) Art adventure.
On the PODCAST đ§
Special Episode #17
"Roles Reversed" Emotional Availability: Family, Periods & Narcissism
Check out the youtube version above as Alli Noll interviews me! We discuss...
03:56 You're not crazy, you just know a narcissist
11:34 My near death experiences with endometriosis
20:16 Birth Control + Pharma lies
30:28 What death + pain taught me
35:26 What I did first to heal
41:42 Anger + Forgiveness
45:05 Healing with Art
53:42 My favorite piece + phase
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